
The difference between platform e-commerce and traditional trade shipping
作者: Guanghe Logistics

1: Freight forwarder selection

E-commerce: the seller entrusts the freight forwarder or the freight forwarder on the e-commerce platform to deliver the goods to the e-commerce warehouse by sea (Amazon, Wal Mart and other platforms);

Traditional: Domestic traders find freight forwarders or foreign customers designate freight forwarders;

2、 Selection of shipping company

E-commerce: High timeliness requirements, with express shipping being the majority. Meisen is on duty, Meisen is working overtime, and Star ZEX, COSCOSEA/SEAX are used. FBA prepares goods based on inventory, sales, or peak season, and transportation costs are higher than regular routes. FBM and other e-commerce platforms choose corresponding transportation channels according to platform requirements;

Traditional: Time requirements are relatively low, with slow ships being the majority and transportation costs being low. Generally, COSCO, OOCL, EMC, etc. are used;

3、 Customs declaration and clearance methods

E-commerce: Cross border e-commerce enjoys national policies and can prioritize customs declaration and release, such as 9710 and 9810 export mode customs clearance, and destination customs clearance is carried out by the bond theme of the shipper company or freight forwarding company as the customs declaration person;

Traditional: Declaration, customs declaration, and tax refund are based on the actual quantity, amount, and product name of the goods, with the destination recipient, i.e. the buyer, as the customs declaration person;

4: Packaging requirements

E-commerce: FBA requires the use of regular corrugated cardboard boxes, with the longest edge not exceeding 63.5cm. The box should be sealed with transparent tape, and the product label and box label should be properly affixed (to maintain the clarity of the label QR code). FBM and other platforms can use cardboard boxes or bags;

Traditional: packaging and labeling based on the attributes of the goods and customer requirements;
