
Heavyweight! To create an FBA plan on Amazon US, please fill in the estimated delivery time
作者: Guanghe Logistics

To better predict the initial warehousing time of FBA, enable sellers to better plan their operations, process shipments faster, facilitate faster entry of goods, and improve the predictability of the process. Amazon USA is about to launch a new mandatory item in the "Sendto Amazon" workflow: when a seller creates a shipment, the process will require an estimated "Delivery Window".

Of course, the delivery time is uncertain, and Amazon only requires a date range, not a specific date. Currently, there will be no penalty for missing the expected arrival time, and Amazon will not take any mandatory measures.


Send to Amazon

Delivery period


Delivery time

The "delivery period" refers to the estimated date range for the seller's shipment to be delivered to the operation center. Starting from April 24, 2023, if non cooperative carriers are used to transport small packages or less than full load shipments by car, an estimated delivery period must be provided when creating the shipment using 'Send to Amazon'.

If the seller uses the Amazon Cross border Carrier Partnership (SEND), Amazon Global Logistics (AGL), or Amazon Collaborative Carrier (PCP) for shipment, no action is required as the carrier will provide Amazon with the arrival information of the shipment.


Update significance

Amazon stated that it will continue to track the performance of your shipments and notify you when the delivery time is earlier or later than the expected date range provided by you, so that you can work with your carrier to provide more accurate estimated time for future shipments. Missing the expected arrival time will not result in any punishment, and Amazon will not impose any measures.

This update is also a further improvement of Amazon's system functionality, improving work efficiency, and providing sellers with a better warehousing experience.


Detailed explanation of operation

When a seller uses "Send to Amazon" to create a shipment, if you choose to ship a small package through a non Amazon partner carrier, please specify the delivery window in the "DeliveryWindow" mandatory field at the bottom of the page in Step 2: Confirm Shipment.

If you choose to use a non cooperative carrier to transport less than one truckload of goods by car, please select "Use non cooperative carrier to transport truckload of goods" in step 4: Confirm carrier and truckload information, and specify the delivery period in the "DeliveryWindow" mandatory field at the bottom of the page.

△ If your Transport Plan changes, you can update the date before the delivery period you filled in earlier.
